
Resources For HELP OR Further Study

Online Bible: King James Version with Apocrypha


Resources for Those in Need

If you are in need of shelter, protection from abuse, health matters or food, please consult this list.

Blue Water Safe Horizons – Shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault
24-Hour Crisis Line: (888) 985-5538
The Harbor - Shelter for runaway and homeless youth aged 10 - 17
929 Pine Street, Port Huron 48060
Business Phone: (810) 985-8584
Kids Line: (810) 987-3418
Wings of the Harbor - Transitional living program for youth aged 16 - 21
1114 Court Street, Port Huron 48060
Business Phone: (810) 989-9602
Pathway Homeless Shelter - Homeless shelter for men, victims of domestic or sexual assault, and homeless couples / families
511 Union Street, Port Huron 48060
Shelter Phone: (810) 982-1020
Carolyn's Place - Shelter services for women survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and/or homeless and their dependent children
Carolyn's Place Crisis Line: (810) 985-5538
Blue Water Rescue Mission - Adult (18 yrs or older) male shelter
Intake: 4:30 - 5 PM / Dinner: 5 - 6 PM
1920 24th Street, Port Huron 48060
Phone: (810) 956-0768

Food Pantries:
Salvation Army
(810) 984-2679
2000 Court St., Port Huron 48060
All St. Clair County Residents
Tues – Thurs, 12 – 3 PM (4 times a year)
(Call Ahead in November & December)
Harbor Impact Ministries
(810) 982-5312
1963 Allen Rd., Kimball 48074
All St. Clair County Residents
Generally, the 4th Tuesday of each Month 9 - 11 AM
Faith Lutheran Food Pantry
(810) 985-5733
3455 Stone St., Port Huron 48060
All St. Clair County Residents
First Saturday of Each Month: 8 - 9:30 AM
(If arriving at 8 AM, breakfast is offered.)
Blue Water Community Food Depot
(810) 987-7886
2408 10th St., Port Huron 48060
All St. Clair County Residents
Mon & Fri: 10 AM - 2 PM / Wednesday 11 AM - 3 PM (4 times a year)
(Must receive food voucher, prior to arrival; photo ID is required to match address on voucher.)
SOS Marysville Food Pantry
(810) 364-6333
2929 Gratiot Blvd., Marysville 48040
Tues 9 AM - 2 PM / Wed 1 - 4:30 PM / Thurs 10 AM - 3 PM

Soup Kitchens:
Mid City Nutrition
(810) 982-9261
805 Chestnut Street, Port Huron 48060
Mon - Sat 11 AM - 12 PM / Sun - Fri 4 - 5 PM

Food for the Elderly:
Council on Aging (Age 60 and Greater Population)
Council on Aging offers eight meal sites located throughout St. Clair County (aged 60 or greater - $2 donation is encouraged).
Reservations are required. Please call (800) 297-0099 to reserve your seat or for additional information.
Council on Aging Home Delivered Meals Program: Call (810) 987-8811 or (800) 297-0099 Health Screenings, Nutrition Advice, Pregnancy Advice, Family Resources:
WIC Michigan Federally-funded, St. Clair County 810-987-8222; Macomb County 586-469-5471; Oakland County 248-858-1272

Other Services:
S.O.A.P./Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution | Several Michigan chapters, see website:

Carmen Ministries: This ministry helps incarcerated and formerly incarcerated men cultivate a relationship with Jesus Christ. By collaborating with these young men on their spiritual, employment and entrepreneurial journey, lives are changed one by one.

The Good News Home is a residential treatment center for women desiring to break the bonds of alcohol/chemical addiction and co-occurring disorders.

Narcotics Anonymous local meetings, Alcohol & Addiction Recovery.